Enter Sandman.

Enter Sandman. The Importance of Sleep.

Estimated time to read:  9 minutes   CliffsNotes Version: ***Who’s a Metallica fan?  Raise your hands high, so I can see you! ***There was a big party, with lots of confetti.  Now the custodians are coming by with push brooms.  Kind of like the “sweepers” in the Jemez Mountain Trail Run race I walked in…

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And The Oscar Goes To….

Dancing - It is A-B-S Exercise!

Estimated time to read:  11 minutes and 30 seconds, but you find out who wins the Oscar, so you should read it.   CliffsNotes Version: ***Barbara Walters in Times Square for the New Year’s Eve celebration? ***H&M sells a really pretty white/blue patterned, smocked tube top for $9.99. ***Hey, Austin, fall actually starts on Monday,…

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Getting From “A” To “B.”

Salmon on a plate. A sign to start eating more fish and take my omega-3 supplement.

Estimated time to read:  11 minutes   CliffsNotes Version: ***God sent me a sign, and it read, “SALMON.”  Laugh-cry emoji, reader Deb. ***Thich Nhat Hanh’s name is pronounced “Tik N’yat Harn,” according to one internet reference. ***I think it’s okay to be “smoking hot,” but all-in-all, it is better to refrain from smoking cigarettes when…

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The One About SMART Goals.

The Funky Dancin'Fox Jumpsuit

Estimated time to read:  10 minutes. CliffsNotes Version: ***All I want for Christmas is a six pack. ***SMART goals, defined. ***Yoga.  Downward-doggie-fire-hydrant style with The Fun Med Doc. Hi there. Welcome back to the blog. We are talking about STDs, Stress and Trauma Disorders. As promised, we are going to talk about establishing some SMART…

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Getting Ready for Change.

Writer's Block. When you're not ready for change.

Estimated time to read:  It’s really long. Two Bohemian Rhapsody units, perhaps?   CliffsNotes and Important Pre-Reading Instructions: ***Please put on a nametag.  There’s kombucha and some gluten-free kale crackers and flat olives in the back of the room.  Thanks for joining the blog. The Fun Med Doc of Santa Fe Functional Medicine is here…

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Being Fired. STDs at Work.

Only Mama is ahead of me in being "Un Poco Loco."

Estimated time to read:  6 minutes. Like “Bohemian Rhapsody.”   CliffsNotes Version:   ***Don’t make me pull this car over. ***The breakup:  “It’s not me. It’s you.” ***If your name is Allison, Danielle, Pamela, Jessica, or Reyna, stop reading right now. ***Want to meet up in my virtual dance room? Over lunch? New internet dating…

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Air Travel. The Magical, Microscopic, Airborne STD.

Me in the tiny-plane with my bling and 80's t-shirt.

Estimated time to read:  8 minutes. Kind of long; I’m sorry.  #ITookPictures. Laugh-cry emoji.   CliffsNotes Version: ***She lied to us. ***Second grade and everything after caused anxiety (from perceived academic discomfort). ***“Look, squirrel!!!” ***Blurred lines at work. ***She finally gets to the point in paragraph 11, which begins “I flew in a tiny-a** plane…”…

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The First Fun Med Blog Post.

Birthday gifts from my awesome staff. T-shirt and treats.

Estimated time to read:  4 minutes   CliffsNotes Version:   I’m a self-proclaimed dancing queen, but I’m occasionally tired. Happy Birthday to me! I treat STDs. Avert your eyes if you don’t want to see. Not only am I the president of Santa Fe Functional Medicine, but I’m also a client, too.   “She blinded me…

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